Saturday, April 14, 2012

Heart malaise. When the time comes, it comes!

Cardiac arrest, heart attack are most frightening disorders to men. Livorno player playing in Italian Serie B, Piermario Morosini, 25 died on April 14, 2012 after a cardiac arrest attack during a match again Pescara. Without his body contacting other players, he collapsed suddenly, then stood up but unstable and went down again.

Cardiac arrest is cessation of the effective pumping action of the heart. During a cardiac arrest, the heart may be beating rapidly without pumping any blood, or it may stop beating completely. Cardiac arrest is marked by an abrupt loss of consciousness and absence of breathing or pulse.

On the other hand, a heart attack occurs if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked. If blood flow isn't restored quickly, the section of heart muscle begins to die. Heart attack treatment works best when it's given right after symptoms occur.

Is cardiac arrest the same as heart attack? No. A heart attack refers to death of heart muscle tissue due to the loss of blood supply, not necessarily resulting in the death of the heart attack victim.

Whereas, cardiac arrest is caused when the heart's electrical system malfunctions. In cardiac arrest death results when the heart suddenly stops working properly. This is caused by abnormal, or irregular, heart rhythms. This can be when the heart's lower chambers suddenly start beating chaotically and don't pump blood. Death occurs within minutes after the heart stops. Cardiac arrest may be reversed if CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is performed or a defibrillator is used to shock the heart and restore a normal heart rhythm within a few minutes.

Things to do to reduce risks against the attacks, as experts put it, include at least to eat a diet that is rich in fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Eat plenty of fish while avoiding fatty meats. Keep salt intake at a minimum. Exercise for 30 to 60 minutes daily. Keep our heart rate within its target zone. Consult with a physician if we're just beginning an exercise regime. If we're somewhat heavy, try to lose some weight. Fat can block up our arteries that lead to the heart disorders.

Keep our du'aa or supplication regularly.

Is exercise relevant since looking at this vigorous sportsmen have been attacked as well? Never mind, keep on exercise, the best activity we can do.

Luckily another footballer, Fabrice Muamba, 24 is now recuperating.

Friday, April 13, 2012

"It's my money"

This lady said "Well, I can terminate my takaful plan whenever I like". It's my money, anyway". 

True enough.

It's her money, your money and our money and we can do whatever we want over it. But hopefully not to the extend of putting us at a losing end.

What happens if suddenly we need cash to overcome some mishaps befalling us. Serious illness?. Where to get the cash? Ilness must get fast medical treatment or it'll become more serious to the extend cannot be treated, incurable? Befalling who, you yourself, ourselves...eerie enough!?

Turn to credit card? Well. This is a quick solution. Actually, with the high interest rate of 17% over, put by the banks, surely we'll plunge into another nightmares re-paying the credit taken with huge interest and could end up being a 'muflis'?.

Or luckily we have some saving, saved over our working time, younger age, over a period of 5-10 years. Em...., having used it, now at a later age, or whatever age, we have to start over again form the very beginning to save the same amount, let say 70k, again!?

Or with no other options, so we have no choice but to be brave enough queing at public hospitals. There, the more serious patients will be given priorities, as what is to be in practice. So, be patient with the pain, sickness, injury we endure up to meeting a doctor in duty...and meeting a houseman or a sepecialist?.

Very challenging...isn't it? Still, we can plan to reduce the hardship of unexpectations.

Takaful. Apa itu Takaful?

Skim yang susah untuk membuat tuntutan jika sakit?. Itu persepsi masyarakat. Segelintir mereka.

Takaful bermaksud tolong menolong. Peserta takaful, contohnya apabila sakit akan dibantu daripada satu tabung. Tabung ini mendapat sumbangan peserta takaful dan juga peserta lain yang menyertai plan takaful yang sama.

Betul susah jika hendak membuat tuntutan? Sebenarnya ia bergantung kepada sijil. Jika dalam sijil menyatakan sakit tertentu tidak dilindungi maka bukan sahaja susah, bahkan tidak boleh membuat tuntutan ke atas sakit berkenaan.

Jika dalam sijil kata boleh buat tuntutan tetapi pengendali takaful tidak mahu menunaikannya, peserta boleh buat laporan ke Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

Sebab itu, peserta takaful perlu jelas plan perlindungan takaful yang diambil agar mudah membuat tuntutan. Ibarat jika sama-sama meyumbang buah durian kampung untuk manfaat bersama-sama, nanti dapatlah manfaat buah durian jenis itu, bukan pula buah durian 'Musang King'.

Comitting into life Takaful plan longer. What for?

During the first few years of our takaful schemes or plans, all kind of management fees is imposed by takaful providers. This includes commission paid to their agents. However, after these preliminary years (usually 4 – 6 years, depends on each takaful operators guidelines), the management fee is becoming decreasing.

This is because the commission paid to agents has ceased. [Meaning, to continue getting commissions, agents need to find new customers]. Instead, the commission (used to be given to agents) would now be returned to participants’ cash accounts. This will contribute more cash value in participants' saving accounts.

Thus, takaful participants must bear in mind that their participation in a takaful plan should be committed in a long term basis. If not, should they re-enter into a new takaful contract, in a new takaful plan later on, then they will bear a new heavy fee from the beginning again and less saving.

Why bother getting life Takaful?

Yes, why? We contribute or ‘pay’ but we get nothing!? That is the fact; we get nothing in return physically. What the heck!

Usually, when we contribute things, we get something in return. We buy a pencil, we get a pencil. We contribute something, we get something in return.

Indeed, what we are told is that; in takaful we actually contribute and in return we get nothing physically but an assurance that anything bad happens to us, there will be a fund contributed by us and other takaful participants to be used to bail us out from any mishaps, be it sickness, terminal illness, total disability and so on. Bottom line, it refers to helping each others.

So, there is the benefit. For instant, the cost of a heart attack operation can reach ten of thousands RM, thus, the fund will finance the operation cost. The fund is there 24 hours ‘to protect’ us, with not much waiting period as it’s done at private specialist hospitals. Em... not to worry, we are sure not one of those sick people! Well, that's always the feelings. You bet, even Fabrice Muamba, 24 years old, collapses.

"He's taking steps, talking and has that big smile we love to see. He is progressing the right way," said Owen Coyle, the player's manager at Bolton.

Thank to ever ready monetary funds to get fully medical attention fast!?

U-turn. Indeed, contribution in takaful means we get nothing in return like that in a buying-selling transaction. Instead, we contribute good deeds of our share to the fund, of our contribution or “sedaqah”.